She has dedicated herself to education and congregational excellence and leadership for close to 50 years. How many students do your have at Consortium? It is an excellent way to get to know other students. Parents and students are welcome to check out our program and observe classes. D. 81. Welcome to the Christian College Consortium. A devout Catholic, Dr. Nyre and his wife, the former Kelli McIntyre, have four children and currently live in New Rochelle, N.Y. Dr. Nyre noted, "Working with the dedicated faculty, … Yes! He has served on numerous boards, including the New York Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities, International University of Catalonia, and Lower Hudson Valley Consortium of Catholic Colleges and Universities. Sr. Mary Eileen O’BrienPresident Sister Mary Eileen O’Brien, O.P., Ph.D., is President of Dominican College and a member of the Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt. The Procurement Officers Group is comprised of procurement officers representing 11 Catholic colleges from across the Lower Hudson Valley region, including The College of Mount Saint Vincent, the College of New Rochelle, Dominican College, Iona College, Manhattan College, Molloy College, Mount Saint Mary College, St. Francis College, St. John’s University, St. Joseph’s College and St. Thomas Aquinas College. A devout Catholic, Dr. Nyre and his wife, the former Kelli McIntyre, have four children and currently live in New Rochelle, N.Y. Dr. Nyre noted, "Working with the dedicated … In addition there is a building and an insurance fee each semester. The Hudson Valley is divided into three regions: Upper, Middle, and Lower. However, listed below are some of the colleges Consortium students have been admitted to in the last few years. The front desk monitor keeps an eye on kids waiting to be picked up. Yes! “I believe that if we can motivate our students to participate in the fight against sex trafficking and human slavery, we can combat this violence and abuse.” This means that some subjects are divided very differently than schools. Caroline Tear Latham, M.A. Dan was invited to provide a presentation about […] With Nyre announcing his departure, Iona said that it will begin a nationwide search for its ninth president. Consortium is neither a co-op nor a school. He has served on numerous boards, including the New York Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities, International University of Catalonia, and Lower Hudson Valley Consortium of Catholic Colleges and Universities. Nine have masters or doctorates in their field. Chief Administrator, Lower Hudson Valley Catholic . We currently offer over 90 academic and enrichment classes. Will my student be able to thrive in college if I home school? Melissa Dowd Begg, Sc. Find comprehensive list and directory of New York Universities and Colleges in the Hudson Valley and the greater New York State area. Another family may need help with basic skills like spelling and grammar. published by: Janis Borgueta Key Properties of the Hudson Valley in Newburgh NY. Francis J. Caldwell, C.S.W. We currently offer over 90 academic and enrichment classes. No. ABOUT US. With an emphasis on career prep, the University at Albany has research initiatives on up-and-coming disciplines like atmospheric science, biotechnology, and public policy. You do not need Consortium for this to happen either. Elizabeth Hill Executive Director at Lower Hudson Valley Catholic College Consortium Brooklyn, New York 9 connections Teachers are subcontracted to teach a given subject. Do I need to take a certain number of classes? Sponsored by the Lower Hudson Valley Catholic College and University Consortium. Parents receive emails detailing these options and their cost. Hudson Valley Colleges and Universities Higher Education – Newburgh NY. We will want to talk to you and make sure we can meet your needs. Our classes are graded by the teacher or an assistant. Another student may be interested in a math instruction class. Hudson Valley Consortium’s mission is to help families continue home schooling through high school by providing joyful, social, and academically rich experiences for Christian students in grades K-12. For example, a student with strong math help at home might just be interested in the social experience of group problem solving and games in our math enrichment classes. For example, in the last couple years two of our students have become Student Body President (Gordon College and HVCC). Will my child still be able to get into college if I homeschool? The following is a list of the counties within the Hudson Valley sorted by region. Professor and Vice Provost for … Career-minded curriculum: Under the supervision of a faculty member, students can focus their studies on tracks that include American, European, and international politics. Houghton College. No. “We want to enable all victims to become survivors,” says Dr. Barbara Ellen Black, Executive Director of the Lower Hudson Valley Catholic College and University Consortium. We have registration in May and December. Most of our graduates find the transition to college very smooth. Covenant College. Many of our teachers are certified teachers. Dr. Nyre has served on numerous boards, including the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities in Washington, DC, the New York Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities, International University of Catalonia, and the Lower Hudson Valley Consortium of Catholic Colleges and Universities. Students are coming and going home at different times depending on their schedules. Is this really a non-denominational Christian program? Each student must take a minimum of 3 classes. We offer pieces of some topics, optional tutoring labs and different levels of help. You are in charge of your child’s education. We usually have a hot lunch option available. No. Parental involvement ranges from hours every week to those who just drop off their students and leave. The Lower Hudson Valley Catholic College and University Consortium sponsored “Tackle Trafficking: Sex, Drugs and Shopping,” a one day conference on October 18. Our mission is to help students with different ability levels. University at Albany, SUNY. The Consortium’s mission is to harness higher education’s intellectual and physical resources to advance regional, ecosystem-based environmental … Information here is a community service to the public. We have found that our model not only is more engaging to most students, but it helps students thrive in college and the real world. * Pastor, St. Martha's R.C. We will talk with new families to ascertain that Consortium is a good fit for their family. We have Methodists, Lutherans, Evangelicals,Episcopalians, Seed of Abraham, Catholics, Orthodox, Baptists and more. 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The National Catholic College Admission Association is a nonprofit organization of Catholic colleges and universities committed to promoting the value of Catholic higher education and to serving students, parents and counselors. Liberty University. While we do seem to have more than our fair share of very bright students, this is not our sole focus. Is Consortium only for brilliant students? Why are some classes divided up in unusual ways? You do not need Consortium for this. Many parents donate big chunks of time in order to keep our costs very low. We also participate in the Lower Hudson Valley Catholic College and university Consortium to the United Nations. He also has served on numerous boards, including the New York Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities, International University of Catalonia, and Lower Hudson Valley Consortium of Catholic Colleges and Universities. Yes. Younger students must eat in the lunch room for younger students. Hudson Valley Consortium’s mission is to help families continue home schooling through high school by providing joyful, social, and academically rich experiences for Christian students in grades K-12. A study hall costs $30.00 a semester. However, this is a volunteer run program. Families choose which classes will meet their needs. High school students eat separately. This College and University list of schools contains descriptions of each school, including degrees offered, program information, admission standards, and direct links to each college and university website. Environmental Consortium of Hudson Valley Colleges & Universities was established in 2004 to advance understanding of the cultural, social, political, economic, and natural factors affecting the Hudson River Watershed, and is headquartered within Pace University’s Academy for Applied Environmental Studies. We offer both rigorous and less challenging classes. Yes. Yes. You may pick whatever you think best fits the needs of your home school program. 79. Purchase College - SUNY Classes cost between $100.00 -$250.00 a semester. After all, they have been following a similar schedule of limited class time and have been working independently. As we approach the Superbowl, hosted in NJ this year, this topic is ever more relevant in our communities. Contacts: Chris Cory, Pace University, 212-346-1117, cell 917-608-8164, Alyssa Vine, Barnard College, 212-854-7907, Media invitation: Summer rolling on the Hudson by 55-member college consortium produces curriculum modules ranging … Will my student be able to handle the coursework in college? The mix of home and Consortium yields very positive results. We will want to talk to new families and make sure we are on the same page with similar expectations. George Washington University. Please contact us to schedule a visit. Gordon College. Yes. However, if you need help figuring out how to home school and comply with state standards we have veteran home school families that can help your family plan. Please click the button below if you would like to make an appointment. Another may desire the challenge of our English class for college credit. In fact most of our students are honor students at their colleges. Yes. However, Consortium graduates tend to be very involved in their colleges. It is essential that families realize this is a home schooling program. Join us as we explore the issue of human trafficking, in its many forms. Students rotate to their given classes or study halls. We highly encourage students to stay for lunches. Albany. CONTACT US. Families must feel comfortable signing the Nicene Creed or our statement of faith. Barbara Black Executive Director at Lower Husdon Valley Catholic College and University COnsortium Greater New York City Area 2 connections The Hudson Valley Educational Consortium is a collaborative effort among SUNY Orange, Ulster, Rockland, Sullivan, Dutchess, and Westchester Community Colleges to create broader access to academic programs and workforce training throughout the seven county region. Hamilton College. One student may be interested in just taking a literature class for the experience of being in a class with a peer group. Founded in 1971, the Christian College Consortium is a group of thirteen Christian colleges and universities located across the United States who–through scholarships, conferences and exchange programs—serve the cause of Christ in higher education by encouraging and assisting one another in the pursuit of their respective missions. However, listed below are some of the colleges Consortium students have been admitted to in the last few years. [36] The Lower Hudson Valley is typically considered part of the Downstate New York region due to its geographical and cultural proximity to New York City . Her blog is about living, working and Real Estate in The Hudson Valley. Families may choose to pay a $60.00 a semester fee or choose from a variety of volunteer options at registration. If possible, we would really appreciate your help. Can my student come hang out between classes? He has served on numerous boards, including the New York Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities, International University of Catalonia, and Lower Hudson Valley Consortium of Catholic Colleges and Universities. Lower Hudson Valley Catholic College and University Consortium. Parish Valerie H. Collins, Ph.D. '71 Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty, Molloy College Paul R. Cronen Assistant Vice President Valley National Bank Sherry and Paul Durnan ** Barbara Goldfeder Coach Realtors Consortium offers clubs, competitions, a prom, dances, many field trips and a graduation ceremony. Hudson Valley Community College. ... College and University Consortium Sr. Elaine Callahan, O.P., CSW – Vice Chairperson Adjunct Professor, Fordham University Faculty Advisor, Molloy College Thomas F. Christman, CPA –Treasurer Retired Affiliations: Yes! Students begin and end their day by signing in/out. At registration families pay only for classes they choose. the best programs … Consortium is designed to supplement a family’s home school experience. Consortium’s philosophy is that most students benefit more from live instruction and interaction with likeminded peers than from video instruction. Summit Vice President of Security Services Dan Sepulveda will speak before the Procurement Officers Group, part of the Lower Hudson Valley Catholic College and University Consortium, next month. Three were hired for their expertise in a given area. Middlebury College. Search for a Catholic college or university. Other Consortium graduates have used their college years to start international non-profits, lead college mission trips, and become college publication editors, radio station directors and  presidents of political clubs on campus. Msgr. No. The event will take place on October 26, at 10:00 AM at St. John’s University in Queens, New York. Since we keep our number of students constant we are only replacing people that have moved or graduated. You may buy out of volunteering if you are in a season where it is difficult for you to volunteer. Lower Hudson Valley Consortium of Catholic Colleges & Universities. Students must be in a class or a study hall at all times. … He has served on numerous boards, including the New York Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities, International University of Catalonia, and Lower Hudson Valley Consortium of Catholic Colleges and Universities. The Sullivan Library is a member of Southeastern New York Library Resources Council (SENYLRC), Westchester Academic Library Directors Organization (WALDO), and the Lower Hudson Valley Catholic College and University Consortium (LHVCCUC). The Hudson Valley’s largest SUNY school garners attention for its rigorous research programs and Division I athletics. Please subscribe to this blog. We have both a winning Mock Trial and Science Olympiad teams. Occasionally, families mistake our program for a cheap private school. Occasionally, families mistake Consortium for a cheap private school. A devout Catholic, Nyre and his wife, the former Kelli McIntyre, have four children and currently live in New Rochelle, N.Y. St. John’s along with other members of the Lower Hudson Valley Catholic College and University Consortium enhances its relationship with Enterprise Rent-A-Car and National Car Rental for discount vehicle rentals for both business and personal rentals now under the same program.. All Renters must be affiliated (e.g., employee, student, alumni, etc.) Another may need instruction-based classes and two math tutoring slots to meet his needs. Parents and students will need to feel comfortable signing a non-denominational statement of Christian faith. This heartfelt commitment has served to inspire and guide the many people, particularly students, whose… This is a formal program. No refunds are provided following the end of the registration period. Lunch is at 12:00pm. He previously served as the chair of the Steering Committee of the Lower Hudson Valley Catholic College and University Consortium (LHVCCUC) and as a former Board of Trustees member of The Commission on Independent Colleges & Universities in New York. What social opportunities will my student have at Consortium? Study Abroad programs are also available through our partnership with the colleges and universities of LaSallian International Programs Consortium and the Lower Hudson Valley Catholic College and University Consortium. Nyre said he is looking forward to the new role. Students are expected to complete their homework assignments at home each week. They have the option to leave campus if they have written approval from their parents. You do not need Consortium for this. There are study hall and front desk monitors to help students with any issues that arise during the day. Order to keep our number of classes one student may be interested in just taking a literature class the! 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