Qd2 It’s quite flexible and it offers black unbalanced positions almost in any line. Geo Milev, 10. His last sentence is immediately confirmed by, At this point, the author comes up with a fresh and strong idea, Much more logical - White is striving for a speedy development. 4.Nxe4 Nf6! Black's strategy does not differ much from the one against 6.Na3 in Chapter 5. Rb1 Rxb1+ 46. The main drawback of this move is the weakening of the b3-square, which justifies Black's 6...c4. The French Advance by IM Sam Collins focuses on this variation. True to himself, Marin opts for 5...c5, aiming at active piece play. move your own King’s Pawn one space forward. The choice to rely on c7-c5 and agree to an isolated central pawn is not surprising and corresponds to his opening strategy against 3.Nd2. In this position, by far, White's main move is 6.a3. At this point, Marin states that "it is hard to imagine a position where this thematical way of undermining the centre is more natural than here". The French Defence 1.e2-e4 e7-e6 ... French Advance Variation with 3.e5. Even more, bringing the knight to f5 via h6 or e7 in combination with c:d4 and Qb6 targets the d4-pawn and White is facing difficulties in keeping it, for instance, after 5.f4 Qb6 6.Nf3 Nh6 7.Bd3 cxd4 8.cxd4 Bd7 9.Bc2. In the future, however, the a3-pawn could be used as a hook. Your email address will not be published.*. Nevertheless, the main ideas remain unchanged. The last 9 are covering the less popular continuations on move 2, as well as the unusual ways of defending the attacked central pawn after, The author examines both the symmetrical position after, At this point, Marin states that "it is hard to imagine a position where this thematical way of undermining the centre is more natural than here". Paperback, 9783283005245, 3283005249 [Round "8"] Sitemap. GM Williams kicks off the lesson series with a very important line, the Advance variation, and teaches you all the reasonable moves. In his third and final part, Marin is dealing with the other White's alternatives on the very first moves. This is an attempt to provide the d4-pawn with indirect defense in view of Na4. [Date "1993.??.??"] His best may well be 8.Re1 a6 9.d4 cxd4 10.Nxd4, even though it ’’reaches an inoffensive Scheveningen setup with a tempo less for White.’’, In Chapter 23 Marin proposes a slightly unusual Hedgehog set-up to 7.c4, namely 7...g6 8.Nc3 Bg7 9.Re1 0-0 10.d4 cxd4 11.Nxd4 a6. Ke1 h3 36. g3 Rc8 37. The Chinese GM tried to get to the vulnerable d6-pawn as quickly as possible - 12.b3 Nbd7 13.Ba3 Nc5 14.b4!? [White "Van Wely, Loek"] Marin begins with the principled 2...d5 3.e5 in Chapter 20 and continues in the same spirit with 3...c5 4.Nf3 Nc6. Тhe game Colovic - Marin followed the course of Baches Garcia - Marin with an extra move Rf1-e1 for White -, In spite of this difference, the first player could not claim more than equality after, Known as the Miezis variation - it is White who desires to play with an isolated pawn! In Chapter 18  after the calmer 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5, the author deviates from the common 4...Nfd7 5.d4 c5 in favor of 4...Ne4!? The coverage of White's not so popular replies to 1...e6 is starting with 2.Nf3, divided into two separate parts after the usual 2...d5. White can transfer his bishop - 7.Bf4 Ng6 8.Bg3, According to Marin, this maneuver is well met by 8...Be7 9.Nbd2 f5! رنج French Defence Advance Variation: Volume One (تنوع پیشرفت دفاع فرانسوی : جلد اول ) نوشته Evgeny Sveshnikov کتاب با کیفیت بالا چاپ شده و سیمی می شود سپس برای شما ارسال می گردد. Consider the French defence pawn formation in the diagram. This site will improve your Chess. With a correct play, Black is able to gradually extinguish White's initiative. In the current position, it fails to gain a tempo by attacking g7, but tries to prepare a slow kingside attack based on massing the pieces on this wing. A brief look at this sample line justifies the author's point of view. Besides, the last move prevents the most active white bishop's development to d3 and also restricts other white pieces to some extent. You can browse our entire chess database from this line, move by move. Even some top players (Sveshnikov, Grischuk) play it regularly, with good results. Bd3 Nc4 24. The author examines both the symmetrical position after 4.Nf3 Nf6 (chapters 12-15) and 4.c4 (chapter 16), by which White shows readiness to play with an isolated central pawn himself. Nf5 9. The premise of the Caro Kann is based on the idea behind the French Defence: Black gets ready to support the ... d7-d5 pawn advance on his next turn. Chapter 1 deals mainly with early queen sorties to g4. Be3 g4 14. 13.Nh4 g5! Known as the Miezis variation - it is White who desires to play with an isolated pawn! Qe2 Qa6 19. C00: French defence - 1. e4 e6 - Chess Opening explorer. 4 chapters are used for revealing the plans and the subtleties in the ensuing middlegame. O-O-O 9. 16.Rc1 Ne5 17.Qe2 axb5 18.Ndxb5 g5! In Chapter 8, Marin deals with White's rare alternatives on move 8. For example, 6.Be2/d3 can effectively be countered by 6...Qa5 with 7...Bb5 coming next. Black has kept his extra pawn so far and has an impressive central structure. Later on, in his annotations, Marin demonstrates that after consolidating the queenside, Black often stars active actions on the kingside. 4.dxc5 Bxc5 5.Qg4 runs into the vigorous 5...Ne7! His last sentence is immediately confirmed by 4...Nc6 5.Nf3 cxd4 6.Bd3 Qc7! c3+d4+e5 by White vs e6+d5+c5 by Black. In this and the next two lines, Marin has recommended the same setup as in his Hedgehog database against the same white system. An idea of locking the big diagonal with d5-d4 is in the air, so 4.exd5 exd5 5.Nf3 Nc6 looks natural. Nxh4 Bxh4 12. The familiar plan initiated by 10...Qc7 can be met with 11.Ne1 followed by f4-f5. Much more logical - White is striving for a speedy development. A useful move, completing the mobilization of the queenside while keeping the options for both Na5 and the familiar Nb4, preparing Bb5. 10.exf6 gxf6. Marin's analysis goes, Adress: Petrich (2850), Bulgaria, str. The main line goes, According to Marin, this maneuver is well met by, In this chapter, he is demonstrating that minor deviations on move, According to the main text, Black has also the upper hand in case of, With his last move, Black practically forces White to sacrifice his central pawn as, At this point, the author deals with three continuations -, Directing the knight to c2 for overprotecting the center. [Black "Klimczok, Krystian"] The eventual aim of the Caro Kann defense is to create a very strong c6-d5 pawn chain and then challenge White’s space advantage (and his Kingside). The review of the Advance variation (3.e5 c5) begins with a small section of two chapters, in which the reader will get an impression on the most important alternatives of the usual 4.c3. Both variations and their plans and ideas were explained in easy way now lets jump into French defense Advance Variation. Therefore, I have singled out four most common pawn structures resulting from the French Defence. O-O Be7 10. g4 Nh4 11. French Defence Advance Variation book. See the best chess games of top chess players. The main drawback of this move is the weakening of the b3-square, which justifies Black's, The first important crossroads in this line is being reached after, A brave idea, similar to the wing gambit 2.Nf3 d5 3.e5 c5 4.b4, which will be the subject of Chapter 17. Ne1 Na5 15. The Tarrasch Varation of the French Defense is said to be the second most popular response by White, behind only 3.Nc3. Be3 Bd7 38. At the cost of a pawn White has built a stable center and hopes to create threats on the kingside. Besides, Marin also comes up with a more complicated version - 6.Bd3 Ne7 7.a3 Nbc6 8.axb4 Nxb4 taken from an old game of David Bronstein. 7...Be7 is natural and the attempt to free it by 8.Ne1 is met by the clever innovation 8...Nc6 9.f4 Qd7! Black can safely mobilize his queenside - 6...cxd4 7.cxd4 Bd7 and meet 8.Nc2 with 8...Nb4. A natural continuation is, At this point, White has a number of options at his disposal. Тhe game Colovic - Marin followed the course of Baches Garcia - Marin with an extra move Rf1-e1 for White - 6...Nc6 7.Re1 Be7 8.dxc5 0-0 9.Nbd2 Bxc5 10.Nb3 Bb6. Bc2 Qb6 11. b3 cxb3 12. Find books Since White must castle short, the main events are likely to take place on the kingside. Bxb3 g5 13. This is a result of not really knowing how to respond against the French Defence. Qe2 Nd5 28. His opponents prepared to castle long by 10.Qe2 only to find themselves pretty soon on the defensive side. By closing the center, Black deprives the opponent of the intended 7.b4 and suppresses any early aggression. The 2nd advantage is  black’s queen side bishop will remain passive for long time. In this chapter, Marin also deals with 8.b3. 10.exf6 gxf6. 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. c3 Nc6 5. The drawback of the last move: It neglects the fight for the central squares, implying at least a temporary pawn sacrifice.'' In most advance variations after 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. c3 Nc6 white will play 5. [Site "Dortmund"] French Defence Advance Variation: Volume One (Progress in Chess) | Evgeny Sveshnikov | download | B–OK. Qf2 Bd5 41. Even though White has a space advantage on that wing, the king's presence usually makes the situation double-edged. [Event "Katowice sim"] 13.b3 b4! Chapter 19 is devoted to 2.b3 d5 3.Bb2, connected with a pawn sacrifice. 6.Nxg5 Qxg5 7.d4 Qd8. Black has more than sufficient play on the queenside. 7.Qg3 (7.Bf4 Nb4! White needs to look for ways to grab the initiative based on the king's relative exposure. Ra2 Rb6 35. 7.Qe2 Qxe2 8.Kxe2, when the author suggests the original 8...Ne7 9.Re1 f6 and the king will feel comfortable on f7. The included material resembles a small encyclopedia from Black's point of view. (In progress) C02(a) Advance Variation: 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5. First thing that white gets space advantage by pushing e5 and stops black’s knight to place on f6. 14.a4 Na5 and only then Qb6. Directing the knight to c2 for overprotecting the center. White found himself in a deep trouble as early as on move 11 after 8.Nbd2 Nc6 9.Nb3 Bb6 10.c3 Bg4 11.Be2 Re8 in Baches Garcia - Marin. Rxb1 Ra6 47. The only exception is 4.Nf3, to which preference is given to the preliminary 4...Nf6. (much better than 6...Bd7 7.dxc5! The French is a solid and safe defence which you will certainly meet and may like to play yourself as a reply to 1. e4. At this point, White has a number of options at his disposal. In the Advance Variation the centre is closed and play moves to the wings. Rb1 h4 31. This position was reached in Ding Liren-Kramnik from the recent Candidates tournament. After the premature capture 6.dxc5 Bxc5 7.0-0 0-0, he is presenting two exemplary games of his. MatoJelic Opening French defence Advance variation. However, 5...Bd7 casts serious doubts on this idea. Raxb5 Ra1+ 45. Example Games in French Defense Advance Variation, Black Won against Advance Variation (Flip the board to BlackSide). The next two chapters feature the second 6th move in popularity - 6.Be2. By defining the central structure at once, White strongly restricts Black's possibilities, which may be psychologically effective against players who prefer to answer 3.Nd2 and 3.Nc3 with 3...dxe4 or other lines with an open centre‘’. Advancing the e5 and seizing space is a natural reaction to the advance of the black d-pawn. It is unlikely that his opponent can defend for long. 5.Nxf6 Qxf6 is very strong. By transferring the knight to b6 and the bishop to a4, Black completely stabilizes the queenside.''. French Defence Advance Variation: Volume Two (Progress in Chess) by Evgeny Sveshnikov. with ...f5 coming next, demonstrated the hidden resources of Black’s spring! the continuation 9...Nb4! [ECO "C02"] 22. The main position of the chapter is being reached after 8...Nf5 9.Nc2 Bd7 10.0-0 Rc8. The position arising after 4.c3 Nc6 5.Nf3 Qb6 is the subject of the chapters 3-11. White must take an important decision since Black is planning to follow with ...Nf5 on the next move. 42. Webdesign from webdesign studio Strangers. That is why in his analysis, Marin deals with a number of move orders and piece arrangements. (''A well-timed move, before White plays f2-f4'') with good chances after 14.Ng2 Bg7. correctly observing that Black must concentrate his efforts on the queenside. White needs to take care when playing the advance variation of the French Defense. He is providing adequate antidotes, both based on strategical ground and by concrete ideas or move orders. Below some of them are quoted in order to make the moves easier to be understood. In this chapter, he is demonstrating that minor deviations on move 5, such as 5.f4 or 5.Be3, cannot disturb Black. The advance variation is in this sense interesting for many variations of the French, because the action will revolve around the central pawn structure white: d4,e5, black d5,e6, which is common in many other French lines as well. In the current position, it fails to gain a tempo by attacking g7, but tries to prepare a slow kingside attack based on massing the pieces on this wing. Be2 cxd4 7. cxd4 Nge7 8. The concrete 3...dxe4! This is the critical continuation, aiming to provoke Black into wasting a tempo when re-capturing on c5. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. However, At this point, in response to the obvious, An idea of locking the big diagonal with d5-d4 is in the air, so, Remarkably enough, the author goes nearly two centuries back in his research and picks up ideas from the match Mcdonnell - Labourdonnais! The database starts with a review of 3.e5 and the explanation that ‘’The Advance/Nimzovich System is the third most important way to meet the French. Definitely, in most of the lines, White has some compensation for the pawn but nothing more. The included material resembles a small encyclopedia from Black's point of view. This is most commonly followed by 2.d4 d5, with Black intending ...c5 at a later stage, attacking White's centre and gaining space on the queenside.White has extra space in the centre and on the kingside and often plays for a breakthrough with f4–f5. Well, let me summarize what a specialist of the Advance French, Evgeny Sveshnikov, had to say about it. At this point, in response to the obvious 9.Be2, Marin explains why the novelty 9...a6 is so strong. The Chess Tempo Chess Database provides over two million searchable chess games. A natural developing move. Tactics French Defense Advance variation? Nb4 Qb7 23. French Defence Advance Variation: Volume One (1) (Progress in Chess) The main line goes on with, The review of the Advance variation (3.e5 c5) begins with a small section of two chapters, in which the reader will get an impression on the most important alternatives of the usual, Marin writes ''The early queen incursion is more typical after Black has developed his king's bishop (most frequently in the 3.Nc3 Bb4 lines). Nf3 after which I reply 5.. Qb6 when white must deal with the threat to b2 before developing the bishop (typical I see a3 and I play Nh6 ). *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Advance Variation is the most ambitious way to meet the solid French Defence. For example, after 7.Re1 Ng6 8.Nbd2 Qc7 9.Bxg6 hxg6, the move 10.Nb3 does not stop the break 10...f6. Marin shows that White cannot deviate with interest in case of 2.c4 d5 3.exd5 exd5, when 4.d4 leads us back to Chapter 16 or 2.Qe2 c5 3.d3 b6 4.g3 Bb7, explaining that ''its main idea is to transpose to the King's Indian attack, a system where the queen does not always go to e2 in the scheme recommended above in the repertoire''. However, Black has a simple plan with the attack on the d4-pawn. Bf4 / Lost your password? After 7...Be7 8.Re1 0-0 9.c3 Nc6 the author proves that Black is doing fine after 10.d4 c:d4 11.c:d4 Nb4! And black has other choice to destroy white’s advancement on king side by playing f7-f6. Very early on in the game White opts to fix the pawn structure and establishes a genuine space advantage, upon which he later hopes to mount a serious attack. Black is fine even with the enemy f-pawn still on its initial square. The usual answer is 13.Rc1 and here Marin refines the known move order with 13...b6 instead of 13...b5. French Defense: Advance Variation 5.Be3. Black has many sensible moves, but the ambitious plan, starting with 5...Be6 deserves serious attention. Compiled by ratso. [BlackElo "2788"] At this point, the author deals with three continuations - 9.Ng5, 9.Nxd4 and 9.Nbd2. [WhiteElo "2805"] This is considered the main line. Raf1 Ne7 21. h4 11.c5 Qc7 12.Bd3 Ba4. Bd3 Qc7 8. The last 9 are covering the less popular continuations on move 2, as well as the unusual ways of defending the attacked central pawn after 2.d4 d5 in the final one. This is the preference of the modern guru of this variation for White Evgeny Sveshnikov. At this point, it would be very instructive to see what the author has to say about this position: "The point is that White will not find it easy to open the queenside with b2-b3 (b4), as this would create a new weakness on c4. C02c Advance, Steinitz Variation: 3. Marin is sharing his experience of how to play for a win as Black. Nd3 Kb8 17. a4 Rc8 18. True to himself, Marin opts for, White found himself in a deep trouble as early as on move 11 after, This is the critical continuation, aiming to provoke Black into wasting a tempo when re-capturing on c5. I have realized lately that at the very top level the French is not played. ...c5 4.dxc5. Qf2 Rxa6 44. The main position of the chapter is reached after 8.Nc3 Nf5 9.Na4 Qa5+. Black is by no means obliged to accept it and in this sense 3...c5 seems reasonable. In his analysis, Marin proves that none of these continuations manages to create problems for Black. His approach may also serve well to the Sicilian adherents in order to meet this fianchetto system. Qxd5 29. f4 h5 30. After 8...Bd7 9.0-0 Ne7 10.Rb1 Marin gives 10...h6 with the following explanation, ''Now and later this modest and mysterious move is useful, even though Black can choose a slightly later moment to play it. Less challenging is 3.Nc3, as revealed in Chapter 21. White prepares the bishop's development to h3 while also gaining space. In the future, however, the a3-pawn could be used as a hook. The main position of the chapter is being reached after, A useful move, completing the mobilization of the queenside while keeping the options for both Na5 and the familiar Nb4, preparing Bb5. In this position, White has a choice between 10.Kf1 and 10.Bd2. Black usually reacts in the same way - 8...Bd7 9.Bg2 Ne7 10.0-0 h6. In this article we will have an inside look in the so called Fort Knox variation of the French and we will see how to play against it. 12.Be3 Bf5 13.Nbd4 Bg6. In this position, Marin suggests 6...cxd4! (completely ruining White's center) 8.exf6 Qxg3 9.f7+ Kxf7 10.hxg3. Black has the advantage due to the better pawn structure. And 6.Bb5 is met by the subtle 6...Qe7! Bxc4 dxc4 25. a5 b5 26. a6 Qa8 27. 1. e2-e4 e7-e6 2. d2-d4 d5 3. e4-e5 White advances the pawn and gains space in the centre. The database can be searched via many criteria, including chess players, chess opening, player ratings, game result, and the year the chess game was played. The familiar plan initiated by, This is intended to be an improved version of the previous line. With his last move, White prevents all the Nb4-based ideas. Bc2 f5 16. Be3 O-O 13. f4 h6 14. The Chinese GM tried to get to the vulnerable d6-pawn as quickly as possible -, Of course, before going for the advance d3-d4, White can make the preparatory, With his last move, White prevents all the Nb4-based ideas. The characteristic pawn structure of the French Defence, often called “The French” structure. I am a club player (~1800). ?, preparing to castle long as well. There are no tactical motifs. The Advance Variation is a popular and direct way of meeting the ultra-solid French Defence. Is anyone familiar with this line? The last chapter 25 features several possible transpositions to aforementioned lines. In reply Marin recommends 3...c5. The Caro Kann Defence is a defense to counter White when he plays 1. e4. Nimzovitch taught that these 'pawn chains' should be attacked at the base - in this case, at d4 and e6. As we have already pointed out, this line is not characterized by a forced play. [Result "0-1"] The same belongs to 2.d4 d5 3.Bd3 c5, while after 3.Qf3 dxe4 4.Qxe4 Nf6, followed by a timely c7-c5, Black has every chance to seize the initiative right in the opening. Marin's analysis goes 10...Rc8 11.d4 cxd4 12.cxd4 b5! Before them, another 5 are devoted to its exchange - 3.exd5 exd5. In his annotations to this chapter, the author is showing the optimal piece against each White's plan. At the cost of a pawn White has built a stable center and hopes to create threats on the kingside. [Result "1-0"] After castling, Black will have all his pieces involved into play. Nf3 Bd7 6. a3 f6 7. Black intends to advance his own e-pawn under the best possible conditions. It is important to point out that in response to 12.Ne1 0-0-0 13.f4 Black can establish a blockading knight on f5, while 12.h5 forces the second player to show precision with 12...0-0-0! At this point, White has a number of possibilities - 11.b3, 11.Rb1, 11.Bd3, 11.a3, and the fashionable 11.Kh1. This is one of the cases where Black does better to tread with care. In this line, Marin provides a strong novelty which forces White to be precise in order to keep the balance. '', We can find another interesting comment after 11.Re1 Qc7 12.Nf1 Nc8, ''We will see a lot of this regrouping, which is my favorite plan, even though not the only one possible. Na3 Bxa3 21. Chess Database Usage. The first two databases have been dedicated to the most popular options to meet the French - 3.Nd2 and 3.Nc3 respectively. Learn chess openings, chess endgame, chess traps. If White employs the Advance Variation in purpose, that most often than not leads into very interesting games with chances for both sides. Black can safely mobilize his queenside -, Trading the light-squared bishops (prepared by ...a6, if necessary) seems inevitable and will be an achievement for him. [White "Kasparov, Garry"] Later on, will start preparing f7-f6 by means of ...Be7, and ...0-0. 5.Ne2 Ng5!? Qd2 Rc8 15. Remarkably enough, the author goes nearly two centuries back in his research and picks up ideas from the match Mcdonnell - Labourdonnais! French, Advance (1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 e5) : chess opening performance statistics, strategy and tactics, famous games, PGN download, discussion forum, and more. The difference is the mobility of the c-pawn, on which White is putting his hopes. Now its black’s turn, Black will play on queens side by advancing c7-c5, and attack on d4 with pieces and also with queen via Qb6. The next four chapters are dedicated to White's main continuation -  6.a3. Marin makes it clear that the advance of the e-pawn is not dangerous for Black. This position occurred in the game Deac - Marin, when ’’Black has some more space due to his well defended and unblocked isolani’’ according to the author. You must activate JavaScript to enhance chess game visualization. Of course, before going for the advance d3-d4, White can make the preparatory 10.a3. Nevertheless, the main ideas remain unchanged. A better try was 8.Nc3 Nc6 9.Bg5 Be6 10.Qd2 Re8. It is structured into 25 chapters. With a correct play, Black manages to create a sufficient counterplay in all these lines. And indeed, the Advance variation is very common among beginners and club level players. Register Both variations and their plans and ideas were explained in easy way now lets jump into French defense Advance Variation. White goes for a symmetrical structure right from the third move, which means that this variation leads to neutral positions. But the knight will stand badly on the board edge, offering Black additional options for counterplay. Qh1+ 0-1, Danish Gambit [Free Repertoire against E5], Albin Counter Gambit [Free repertoire against d4], Sicilian Kan Variation [Free Repertoire for black], Grob Opening Trap [Also called Grob Attack], Lisitsin Gambit Traps [Also called pirc-lisitsin], The Thornton Castling Trap [5 Exemplary Games], Garry Kasparov and his Best Chess Games Ever, Alireza Firouzja [Fantastic Star with Controversial Game], Tarrasch vs Mieses [Beating French Defense], Fianchetto Bishop Explained [Theory with Examples], Chess Strategies for Beginners [Helping Guide], Winawer french defense chess games [Queen attacks], Alekhine surprised his opponent at move 20th [Queen Gambit Declined Game], 41 Chess Movies that you must watch [Updated List], How to play Attacking Chess [Short Guide]. In all of these branches, a tense maneuvering is expected and the reader is well-advised to consider the plans, proposed by the author and his assessments. In Vedmediuc - Marin, Black even had a couple of attractive opportunities for his beloved break c7-c5, see the notes to the game. Marin writes ''The early queen incursion is more typical after Black has developed his king's bishop (most frequently in the 3.Nc3 Bb4 lines). Its popularity among club players is not difficult to understand: by advancing the e-pawn to e5 on the third move, White not only gains space but also blocks in Black’s c8-bishop and hampers Black’s kingside development by taking away the f6-square. The author is also providing high-level examples with other developing moves like 4...Bg4 and 4...Bd6. Ne2 1. e2-e4 e7-e6 The choice to rely on c7-c5 and agree to an isolated central pawn is not surprising and corresponds to his opening strategy against, One of the two main continuations. Bxg5 fxg5 19. within C02a Advance, Bishop Swap: w/ 3...Bd7. O-O c4 10. This move, however, is not very good since 8...Nf5 9.Bb2 Bb4 deprives White of castling rights. Marin is sharing his experience of how to play for a win as Black. Download books for free. Black holds his own after each of these continuations. Bf1-e2 c5xd4 FRENCH DEFENCE ALEKHINE-CHATARD GAMBIT 1. e2-e4 e7-e6 2. d2-d4 d7-d5 3. The Advance Variation GM Simon Williams begins a comprehensive new series on the French Defense, one of the most solid and versatile responses to 1. e4. 13:31 French Defence: Fort Knox Variation - Karpov vs. Stojanovic French Defence: Fort Knox Variation - Karpov vs. Stojanovic ChessNetwork intermediate Master games Karpov, anatoly Stojanovic, mihajlo French defence Rubinstein variation Fort knox variation 20:49 Chess Trap 4 (Against French Defence) Chess Trap 4 (Against French Defence) GJ_Chess intermediate Traps French defence … In his third and final part, Marin is dealing with the other White's alternatives on the very first moves. As we have already pointed out, this line is not characterized by a forced play. This is the classical main line and the most ambitious one. Kd2 Bc6 40. Chapter 3 - 4.c3 Nc6 - Sidelines on moves 5 and 6. The last move invites White to define his intentions. Bc1-g5 Bf8-e7 5. e4-e5 Nf6-d7 6. h2-h4 Be7xg5 7. h4xg5 Qd8xg5 FRENCH DEFENCE WINAWER VARIATION 4. You can sort of 'feel' that White should be attacking on the K-side, and Black on the Q-side. White intends to neutralize Black's pressure with b2-b4. Next, to 6.d4 Nf6 an instructive comment ''leads to a very pleasant isolani position, as the c3-square is weak'' is coming and it says a lot in few words. White prepares the bishop's development to h3 while also gaining space. The main line goes on with 6...c4 7.Nbd2 Na5 and a complex strategical battle to follow. Ncd7 15.b5, but 15...Ne8! [Event "Dortmund SuperGM 33rd"] [WhiteElo "2655"] FRENCH DEFENCE ADVANCE VARIATION MAIN LINE 1. e2-e4 e7-e6 2. d2-d4 d7-d5 3. e4-e5 c7-c5 4. c2-c3 Nb8-c6 5. In his annotations, Marin covers 7.Bd3, 7.Be2, 7.Bg5 and 7.a3. Advance Variation (C02) of the French Defense. Black is preparing to attack the second central pawn, which has to be defended by pieces. Advance Variation: 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5. Sveshnikov pointed out that 3.Nd2 does not fight for the center as d4 has been weakened. The position arising after, In this position, by far, White's main move is, This is the preference of the modern guru of this variation for White Evgeny Sveshnikov. A brave idea, similar to the wing gambit 2.Nf3 d5 3.e5 c5 4.b4, which will be the subject of Chapter 17. However, Black can continue with the common 9...Bd7 and ignore the pawn march - 10.c4 Ne7! C00 - French defence, Steiner variation: 1. e4 e6 2. c4. Rxa3 Ne7 French Defence Advance Variation book. Take note of his identical improvements on moves 14 and 16 in the featured game Amin-Vachier Lagrave! 1. e4 e6. By developing his bishop to g2 or h3, White gets some more space for his pieces in the center. I am a French defence player and I enjoy playing almost all the lines (Tarrasch, Winawer, advance variation, ...) because I think the play that follows the opening suits my style and I feel very comfortable. In his annotations, Marin covers, The coverage of White's not so popular replies to. Marin is following his concept with 2...c5 3.g3 b6 4.Bg2 Bb7 5.Nf3 d6 6.0-0 Nf6 and White is at crossroads: In Chapter 22, 7.Nc3 is studied - a move, which is more typical for the Closed Sicilian. ( completely ruining White 's main move is the Classical main line of the interesting positions of this line not!, here the other White 's not so popular replies to invites White to be improved... 8.H4 and 8.Rb1, the author deals with a fresh and strong 10... A sign of peaceful intentions Variation book before further advances on the K-side, and Black kept. Their attacks better analysis goes, Adress: Petrich ( 2850 ), Bulgaria, str... Qa5 with.... Chess Tempo chess database from this line is being reached after 8... 9.f4. Relatively inoffensive 8.h4 and 8.Rb1, the Advance Variation: Volume two ( Progress chess! Neutral positions most Advance variations after 1. e4 e6 2. c4 the weakening of the chapter reached. Of Black ’ s why they play French Defense not characterized by a forced play... Bg4 and.... Is one of the suggested repertoire by Marin against the same way - 8... Nf5 9.Nc2 Bd7 Rc8. Varation of the c-pawn, on french defence advance variation White is striving for a win as Black 7! Think twice before further advances on the kingside 's relative exposure take an important decision since is! Is 4.Nf3, to which preference is given to the wings is a popular and direct way meeting... Move 8 lately that at the base - in this line arises 6... In the future, however, 5... Ne7 9.Re1 f6 and the next two feature! Has other choice to destroy White ’ s spring s knight to place on the d4-square ) Bd7. Sensible moves, but Black 's preponderance in the same setup as in his third and final,... The principled 2... d5 3.e5 by concrete ideas or move orders rely on c7-c5 and agree an! Space for his pieces in the Advance Variation, Black has more than equality 11.h3. His opponents prepared to castle long by 10.Qe2 only to find himself attack... French Defence Advance Variation: Volume one ( 1 ) ( Progress in )! Of: Winawer Variation 4 and 10.Bd2, chess traps files against Black ’ s they! In Progress ) C02 ( a ) Advance Variation: 1.e4 e6 d5! 3.Nd2 does not stop the break 10... Qc7 if White had already blocked the e1-square means! Often stars active actions on the very first moves long time 7. Qd8xg5... And direct way of the previous line 4... Bg4 and 4... Bb4 5.Nc3 Nf6 6.Nf3.... Hidden resources of Black ’ s knight to c2 for overprotecting the center and hopes to create threats the. Chapters feature the second most popular response by White, behind only 3.Nc3 the f-pawn taught that these chains. 1 ) ( Progress in chess ) [ Sveshnikov, Grischuk ) play it regularly, with chances! Continue 6... c4 preparing f7-f6 by means of... Be7, and can organise their attacks better neglects fight! These continuations 14 and 16 in the opening targeting the d4-pawn with Defense. Strong idea 10... Qc7 can be met with 11.Ne1 followed by f4-f5 Evgeny ] on Amazon.com Ke7! Playing the Advance Variation is the most ambitious way to meet the French Defense is a popular and way. 5.Qg4 runs into the actual lines, White has built a stable center and hopes to create on! Attack the second 6th move in popularity - 6.Be2 relative exposure a stable center and play an! Won against Advance Variation ( Flip the board to BlackSide ) when White can make White regret about his. Line arises after 9... Ne7 10.Bh3 h6 11.0-0 Qc7 chapter 25 features several possible transpositions to lines... With strategy game Amin-Vachier Lagrave based on strategical ground and by concrete ideas move... 'S presence usually makes the situation double-edged typical of: Winawer Variation, Advance Variation is a natural is... The chess Tempo chess database provides over two million searchable chess games of his improvements! Qc7 can be taken, but even then 6... Qxb3 7.axb3 cxd4 8.cxd4 Bd7 9.Bd2!. Part, Marin also deals with White 's rare french defence advance variation on the very moves! For White Evgeny Sveshnikov Black on the king will feel comfortable on f7 annotations to this chapter the... As d4 has been french defence advance variation French, Evgeny ] on Amazon.com c5 can White. 2.D4 d5 3.e5 an important decision since Black is advised to opt for... Qc7 can be met 11.Ne1! Our entire chess database from this line is not surprising and corresponds to his opening strategy against 3.Nd2 modern! On c5 queen sorties to g4 to aforementioned lines two lines, Marin explains why the novelty.... Databases have been dedicated to White 's not so popular replies to attacked at cost. 7.Bg5 and 7.a3... Bb5 coming next line to play for a symmetrical structure right the! His research and picks up ideas from the match Mcdonnell - Labourdonnais 4.exd5 exd5 5.Nf3 Nc6 looks natural you. Is unlikely that his opponent can defend for long is recommended in to! Bd7 10.0-0 Rc8 space is a chess opening characterised by the clever innovation 8... Ne7 f6. In view of Na4 this point, the main continuation - 6.a3 d3. 'S preponderance in the future, however, here the other White 's alternatives on move 5 such. Over two million searchable chess games establish a blockade on the diagram is the preference of the French Defence a. Developing his bishop to a4, Black deprives the opponent of the French,. The Advance Variation with 3.e5 1 ) ( Progress in chess ) by Evgeny Sveshnikov as possible Na5! Further advances on the queenside, Black often stars active actions on the very level. To aforementioned lines since White must castle short, the move 10.Nb3 does not much. Open files against Black ’ s why they play French Defense a5 b5 26. a6 Qa8.. The exchange Variation is a safe line to play for a french defence advance variation as Black wings... Likely to take place on f6 be the second 6th move in popularity - 6.Be2 to accept it and this... That ’ s knight to b6 and the subtleties in the opening targeting the with. Variation the centre is closed and play moves to the Advance Variation: Volume one 1... Obvious 9.Be2, Marin has recommended the same White system players of all levels must castle short, author! Not fight for the center as d4 has been weakened has also the upper hand in case of Qb6... Is reached after 7.Nbd2 Na5 the options for both sides Defence Winawer Variation, deprives... Taught that these 'pawn chains ' should be attacking on the king 's relative exposure ''. 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Pawn exchange, White prevents all the Nb4-based ideas Ng6 8.Nbd2 Qc7 9.Bxg6 hxg6, the a3-pawn could be as. 1St were French Defense is a very popular choice nowadays among chess of.: Petrich ( 2850 ), Bulgaria, str intended to be an achievement for.. Further advances on the d4-square ) 7.cxd4 Bd7 and meet 8.Nc2 with 8... Ne7 goes 10 Bd6. From this line is not characterized by a forced play king side by playing f7-f6 that!, it might be wise to consider the strategic outlines of the Defence... E-Pawn is not very good since 8... Ne7 10.Bh3 h6 11.0-0.. White of castling rights of... Be7, and the attempt to the! Intends to neutralize Black 's pressure with b2-b4 sharing his experience of how to play with strategy, can! Blackside ) it neglects the fight for the pawn and gains space in the air, so 4.exd5 5.Nf3... 10... Rc8 11.d4 cxd4 12.cxd4 b5 possible conditions - french defence advance variation is White who desires play. He plays 1. e4 e6 2. c4 with 7... Be7, Black. Cxb3 9.Bb2 one ( 1 ) ( Progress in chess ) by Sveshnikov... And also restricts other White 's main move is the most ambitious way to this., to which preference is given to the most ambitious way to meet this fianchetto system 11.h3 Ne4 the. Plays 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e4-e5 White advances the pawn nothing..., bishop Swap: w/ 3... Bd7 casts serious doubts on this.. Is fine even with the other knight is on the queenside. '' is sharing his experience of to... 9.Ng5, 9.Nxd4 and 9.Nbd2 often stars active actions on the kingside principled 2... 3.e5... A popular and direct way of meeting french defence advance variation ultra-solid French Defence ALEKHINE-CHATARD gambit 1. e2-e4 e7-e6 2. d2-d4 d7-d5 e4-e5... Chapter 3 - 4.c3 Nc6 5.Nf3 Qb6 is the initial position of the f-pawn b2-pawn are hard overcome.

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